Thursday 19 November 2009

The Educational Value of the Hokey Cokey

You probably think of the Hokey Cokey as just a fun party song - you might have danced along to it when you were a child, and it is certainly a good way to get the party going!

However, it can also help children learn a number of valuable skills, and as we know the greatest amount of learning takes place when we are having fun!

  • Left and Right
The most obvious learning opportunity is introducing and practising left and right, with left and right hands and then feet being put into the circle and then out again. Toddlers can be shown which arm or leg to use when, and with repetition will start to pick up this concept, in many cases quite quickly.

With babies, sit them on your lap and guide their hands and feet forwards and backwards along to the song. Although they may not understand the concept of right and left yet, these movements help to develop their co-ordination and build pathways in the brain which are vital for the development of all kinds of skills including crawling and walking and even learning to write when they get older.  It is particularly beneficial for brain development if you guide the right arm or leg over to the left side of their body and vice versa.

  • Body Awareness
Moving those arms, legs and even whole body along with the words of the song means having to know how your body fits and moves together. Through doing these action you can help your baby develop their sense of proprioception, which is how the brain determines the position of the body in space, and of where parts of the body are in relation to other parts. When babies stare at their hands in wonder that they belong to them, or try to co-ordinate putting their thumb in their mouth this is the skill they are learning. Naming parts of the body for your baby and guiding their arms and legs will help this process.

Older babies and toddlers will delight in showing you their increasing knowledge of where the different parts of their bodies are when you ask them to find your head, touch your nose etc. Games like this, utilising songs like the Hokey Cokey will help boost their confidence as well as body awareness and co-ordination.   

  • Social Interaction
Another great aspect of the Hokey Cokey is that it gets everyone involved together, allowing your little one to practice and develop their social skills. Moving forward into the middle of the circle gives your child the experience of approaching other people in a safe, controlled way. This interaction starts to build the confidence to approach and play with others in different environments, which can be especially beneficial for a shy or reserved child.

  • Locomotor Skills
The Hokey Cokey also demands a lots of physical skill. As well as moving different parts of the body, the song also requires walking forwards, backwards (quite a tricky skill!) and turning around. Babies will enjoy the different speed and direction of motion as you take them through the different movements, while toddlers will have to focus and concentrate to perform all those different skills. Young children have to really think about what they are doing when they move in these ways. which means that not only their bodies are getting a good work out, but their brain is too!

So there are a few good reasons to get dancing - but don't forget the most important reason of all - having fun with your little one!

For lots more fun ways to boost your child's development come and join a Tots Play class - and get moving and learning together.